Inactive Status


NOTICE: Effective 12:00am EST on July 1, 2024, all inactive credentials have one year (July 1 to June 30) to use reinstatement to restore the credential to active.

Effective 12:00am EST on July 1, 2024, the reinstatement fee is $250.00.

If a credential is not reinstated within one year after becoming inactive, the credential (and assigned credential number) is permanently inactive.



The Art Therapy Credentials Board credential year is July 1 to June 30. The windows to complete the annual renewal of credentials and to complete the five-year recertification for board certification is April 1 to June 30.

The Art Therapy Credentials Board does afford a complimentary 30-day grace period for anyone who did not complete renewal and/or recertification prior to the end of the credential year. This grace period is July 1-July 30. Any credential not renewed by this time will go inactive. Any board five certification not recertified will no longer be valid.

Inactive Credentials


If a credential has become inactive it can be reinstated. The following credentials can be reinstated:


Detailed information about the reinstatement process can be found here:


Loss of Board Certification


Board certification is not a credential, it is a certification. The only way to maintain certification is through the recertification process at the end of a five year certification cycle or retaking the ATCBE exam every five years.

If the five-year certification cycle ended and a recertification application was not submitted the BC distinction will no longer be valid. If the recertification application was not completed, you can:

  • Make an appeal to the Board of Appeals to reopen the recertification application. Information for making an appeal is outlined here. 
  • Apply to take the ATCBE, the application for this is located in MyATCB portals. If the exam fee creates a financial hardship contact the ATCB National Office, staff can bring this hardship to the Board of Directors for consideration.