What is the process of recertification?
All Registered Art Therapists-Board Certified (ATR-BC) must complete and submit the recertification application via MyATCB every five years. The recertification application is located within the applicants’ portals. The recertification application will require 100 CE credits; six must be on ethics and six must be in supervsion.
How do I earn CECs (Continuing Education Credits), and in what content areas must they be earned?
CECs may be earned by attending various workshops, lectures, and seminars and by attending or teaching educational classes that fall within the eligible content areas. CECs may also be earned by publishing articles, books, and videos, as well as participating in juried art shows. Please see the Recertification Standards Document for details.
What constitutes acceptable CECs in ethics?
Any CEC opportunity that addresses the principles of conduct that govern credentialed art therapists (as per the ATCB Code of Ethics, Conduct, and Disciplinary Procedures) would be pertinent. Most CEC opportunities in ethics have the word “ethics” in their titles. Ethics CECs can be awarded for attending ethics presentations by professionals in art therapy or a related mental health field (including counseling, social work, marriage and family therapy, addictions counseling, psychology, psychiatric nursing, and psychiatry). ATR-BCs can also receive CECs for conducting ethics workshops, presentations, panels, and academic courses, and publishing their ethics articles.
The CE tracker is located on the MYATCB portal.
Please note that CE’s must be entered within the recertification application. The CE tracker on your portal is not part of the recertification process, it is a tool available to ATR-BC’s to manage and store their CE information.
Who reviews the applications/tracking forms for recertification, and how will the audit group be determined?
The ATCB National Office will do the initial review and forward any questions or requests to the certification committee. Approximately 10% of the certificants who recertify in the respective year will randomly select the audit sample.
If my application is chosen for the random 10% audit group, what must I submit to the ATCB?
To validate the CECs, you must furnish supporting documentation along with the required documentation mentioned above. This documentation can include certificates of attendance, programs, copies of juried show brochures, course syllabi for teaching a course for credit, and transcripts. All documents must be uploaded within the recertification application.
How much is it going to cost to become recertified by the ATCB?
The five-year recertification fee is $100. It is important to note that the Registered Art Therapist must also complete annual maintenance in addition to recertification.
What can be done if I don’t have the required CE’s?
A recertification extension can be requested. You will have an additional 90 days to complete the needed CEs if approved. The ATCB applies 90 days after the complimentary 30-day grace period (month of July) ends. The application for an extension is located in MyATCB portals and must be submitted before loss of board certification. Only two recertification extension requests will be granted per recertification cycle.