1. Maintaining Credentials and Board Certification

The Window to Renew Credentials will open on April 1, 2025


The Window to Recertify Board Certification (BC) will reopen on April 1, 2025

The Art Therapy Credentials Board Credential Year is July-June

The renewal and recertification period ends June 30, 2025. If you miss completing your credential renewal or recertification of board certification, there is a 30-day grace period during July 2024. There is a $30 Late Fee.

Any credential not renewed by July 31, 2025, will become inactive. 

Any Board Certification distinction whose cycle ends July 1, 2024, not by July 31, 2025, will be lost. 


There is important information below; please take a minute to review the requirements
to maintain your credentials and/or board certification.


Credential Renewal

Beginning in April of each year, the renewal period opens on the MYATCB portal, where all credential holders can renew their credentials for the upcoming credential year.

The main function of the annual renewal of your credential is to complete and file the mandatory annual ethics attestation. There is a $100 administrative fee for credential renewals.  As a non-profit, all fees cover the costs of maintaining the credentials, the national registry, and The Code of Ethics, Conduct, and Disciplinary Procedures.

All renewals must be completed via their MYATCB portal; the ATCB ended paper renewals in 2018. 

If you do not have a MyATCB account, Click here for a step-by-step creation process. If you have an account on MYATCB but need to reset your username and password, Click here for a step-by-step process.

Renewals are a good time to ensure your contact information is correct. Please update your email address and other personal information in your MyATCB portal. Please note that the ATCB National Office cannot access your portal space to complete this. If you need assistance accessing your portal, please get in touch with the National Office.

If you don’t plan on renewing, you may:

The above options are located on the MyATCB portals. 

If you are having any issues accessing your MyATCB portal or the renewal application, contact the National Office.


If a credential is not renewed, it will become inactive.


Board Recertification

Also, beginning in April of each year, the recertification period opens on the MYATCB portal, where all ATRs with board certification distinction (BC) can recertify their board certification and receive a new five-year recertification cycle.

The main function of recertification is to assure that all those with board certification satisfy all educational and experiential requirements. This is accomplished by completing 100 continuing education credits every five years. The recertification process enables board-certified registered art therapists to keep pace with current scientific evidence regarding assessment, intervention, education, and important legal, statutory, or regulatory issues. There is a $ 100 administrative fee for board recertification.  As a non-profit, all fees cover the costs of the certification program, examination and assessments, the national registry, and The Code of Ethics, Conduct, and Disciplinary Procedures.

All recertification must be completed via their MYATCB portal; the ATCB ended paper renewals in 2018.

If you do not have a MyATCB account, Click here for a step-by-step creation process. If you have an account on MYATCB but need to reset your username and password, Click here for a step-by-step process.

If you have not completed the required CEs, you may:

  • Apply for an extension of up to three (3) months. The extension fee is $50. NOTE: this extension is for the recertification of the BC only. The annual renewal of the ATR is still required before the end of the credential year. 
  • Apply to take the ATCB Examination (ATCBE). Upon receiving a passing score, you will be recertified automatically. The fee for the ATCBE is $275
  • Apply for Temporary Inactive Status. The Temporary Inactive Status fee is $25
  • Choose to relinquish your Board Certification by sending us your statement of relinquishment of your BC to

If opting for any of the above options, requests must be submitted before the end of the complimentary 30-day grace period the ATCB affords for late recertifications. Failure to recertify by the July 31st deadline will result in loss of Board Certification. 

If you are having any issues accessing your MyATCB portal or the renewal application, contact the National Office.

* Remember that ATCB’s maintenance fees are separate from membership dues or license renewals you pay to any national, state, or chapter organization or entity. The ATCB is not affiliated with the American Art Therapy Association. 


Learn more: How to Achieve a Seamless Renewal & Recertification Season.

For More Information on Maintaining your: