Jul 25, 2024 | Credential Updates, Exam News, News
Board Examination Updates
Starting at 12:00am EST on January 1, 2025, an updated content outline for the examination will take effect. This new outline derives from the latest job analysis performed in 2022. The survey saw participation from over 1,000 licensed art therapists, offering a perspective on the present landscape of art therapy practice. It encompasses essential work behaviors, tasks, client demographics, utilized media/materials, diagnostic categories, ethical considerations, and work settings.
The examination will consist of 175 questions, completed in 3 hours and 30 minutes.
To preserve NCCA accreditation and guarantee a psychometrically sound examination, the ATCB will undertake a standard-setting process in February 2025. Consequently, examinations cannot be scheduled from the third week of February 2025 until the second week of March when this process is completed.
The ATCB invites 100 individuals to take the ATCBE examination at no cost in January 2025. If interested in this opportunity, please complete this form.
The Art Therapy Credentials Board seeks Subject Matter Experts to standardize the new examination content outline and contribute to its development. If interested in this opportunity, please complete this form.
Board Certification Updates
The recertification Standards are updated to align with the ATCBE content outline implemented on January 1, 2025. These updates include the following continuing education requirements:
- Fifty (50) continuing education credits, which are art therapy-specific
- Six (6) continuing education credits in ethics
- Six (6) continuing education credits in supervision
The ATCB will provide a one-year transition period for implementing the updated recertification guidelines. The new continuing education requirements will become mandatory for all Registered Art Therapists (ATR-BC) with board certification periods ending on June 30, 2026, and after. The 2025 recertification standards will be released in the coming weeks.
Authorized Art Therapy Continuing Education (AATCE) Provider program
The ATCB will officially sanction AATCE providers to offer Learning CE events to Registered Art Therapists with board certification (ATR-BC).
The AATCE program is pivotal in the ATCB’s dedication to excellence, as demonstrated by the mandate of 50 art therapy continuing education credits out of the 100 required for board certification renewal. Providers authorized by the ATCB to offer AATCE courses can issue Continuing Art Therapy Education (CATE) credits to ATR-BC holders for recertification. Ongoing education in art therapy is crucial to ensure that practices remain aligned with the latest evidence and best practices. Over the coming weeks, the ATCB will share additional information about the AATCE program. Stay tuned!
Application Submissions
The ATCB has transitioned to digital applications in 2021. Emailed application materials are no longer accepted. Transcripts must be dispatched using the digital platforms adopted by higher education institutions.*
* The ATCB will allow mailed transcripts for a few institutions due to institutional changes in these art therapy programs.
Application materials often contain personally identifiable information; emailing them can lead to data security breaches and privacy violations. Protecting applicant and credential holder data is of the utmost importance to the ATCB. Consult the ATCB website to understand the application submission procedure. Thoroughly examining and following the requirements will avoid application review delays!
Meet our Staff
In 2023, the ATCB shifted from employing a management company for its operations and affairs to self-management. The Board of Directors and various special committees are diligently constructing new headquarters and refining operations. We have hired new staff, and revamped workflows. Please take a moment to review these workflow changes and meet our staff.
Feb 20, 2024 | Credential Updates, Exam News, Latest News, News
Changes to the ATR requirements
The ATCB will allow a grace period for all ATR applications submitted before July 1, 2024, 12:00 a.m. EST. All applications submitted before this date must be completed by June 30, 2025, 11:59 p.m. EST.
A completed application meets the registration requirements and has the following items submitted and approved:
- Official Academic Transcript
- Verification of Post-Education Experience
- References (3)
After this deadline, any incomplete ATR applications will automatically be converted to ATR-P applications.
Credential Retirement Ending
As of July 1, 2024, at 12:00am EST, the ATCB will end the retiring of credentials. Any credential holder wishing to use an ATCB credential to practice art therapy must have a credential that is not retired.
Current “Annual Retired” and “Lifetime Retired” credential holders will be affected by this change.
Any “Annual Retired” credential must be converted to “Lifetime Retired” or taken out of retirement no later than June 30, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. EST. This request must be made to the ATCB Executive Director, LeeAnn Mandrillo, leeann@atcb.org, by June 30, 2024.
“Lifetime Retired” credentials can be taken out of retirement no later than June 30, 2025, at 11:59pm EST.
Credential holders seeking to end the retirement status of their credentials must alert ATCB Executive Director LeeAnn Mandrillo at leeann@atcb.org.
Once taken out of retirement, the credential must be renewed following the standard renewal process. If the credential carries board certification distinction (ATR-BC) and requires recertification, this, too, will need to be completed following the standard recertification process.
Any annually retired credential not taken out of retirement by 12:00am EST on July 1, 2024, will become inactive.
Any credential (and credential number) “lifetime retired” after 7/1/2025 will remain retired. As of 12:00am EST on July 1, 2025, anyone wishing to practice art therapy with an ATCB credential that is permanently retired will need to apply for a new credential with a new credential number under current ATCB standards.
Changes to the reinstatement of inactive credentials
Effective 12:00am EST on July 1, 2024, all inactive credentials have one year (July 1 to June 30) to use reinstatement to restore the credential to active.
Effective 12:00am EST on July 1, 2024, the reinstatement fee is $250.00.
If a credential is not reinstated within one year after becoming inactive, the credential (and assigned credential number) is permanently inactive.
Anyone wishing to practice art therapy with an ATCB credential that is permanently inactive will need to reapply following the credential standards in place at the time of application.
All reinstatement applications are valid for six months from the date of submission.
Each credential can be reinstated up to three times.
Appeals Policy
The appeals policy of the ATCB requires all appellants to provide written narratives and supporting documentation to the Board of Appeals via the appeals@atcb.org email within 30 days of receiving notice of inactive status, denial of credential, recertification application, or status change request.
In response to the continued impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the ATCB allowed the Board of Appeals to consider appeals past the 30-day submission period. With the May 11, 2023, expiration of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency, the final opportunity to submit an appeal for any credential or certification impacts due to the COVID-19 pandemic is March 16, 2024, by 11:59pm EST.
Appeals will be considered at the first quarterly meeting of 2024.
The ATCB will send the following items to third parties, per request of a credential holder or exam candidate:
1. Exam scores;
2. Credential standing; and
3. Supervision hours.
An official verification request and a $25 fee are required. All verification requests must include the first and last name used on the original application submission or examination. Only official Verification requests completed and submitted via the MyATCB portal will be completed.
ATCB Examination
The ATCB Examination Administration policy allows testing candidates:
- A six-month testing window in which to schedule the exam.
- Testing at an approved center or via remote proctoring.
- Up to three testing opportunities per calendar year. *
*A 90-day waiting period between exam administrations is required to maintain the exam rigor and integrity practices.
Anyone planning to take the exam for state licensure should not use the Board Certification application; use the State Licensure application in the MyATCB portal. Before applying for the exam, all state licensure candidates must have an authorization to test letter from the state board. This letter must be uploaded with the exam application.
The following states utilize the ATCBE for art therapy state licensure: Kentucky, Maryland, New Jersey, New Mexico, and New York. The state licensure application is required for candidates taking the exam for these states.
All exam applications are non-refundable and non-transferable.
Updating Changes to the ATCB
As outlined in the Code of Ethics, Standards, and Conduct (section 3.2. 2), an applicant, registrant, or certificant must provide written notification to the ATCB at the time of submission of an initial application and that within 60 days of the occurrence of:
- Change in name, address, and telephone number.
- Any other facts bearing on eligibility for credentials, including but not limited to:
– filing of an indictment, charge, or complaint, not including traffic offenses, with any court, regulatory authority, professional association, credentialing body, or governmental or private payer of benefits.
– any litigation involving allegations of professional negligence or misconduct and the final disposition of such charges, complaints, or cases, including but not limited to entry of a judgment, order of dismissal or deferred adjudication, conviction, plea of guilty, plea of nolo contendere, and imposition of disciplinary sanctions.
- Any credential holder whose contact information has changed must update it in their MyATCB portal. Essential communications and reminders are sent to the email in MyATCB portals. The ATCB is not responsible for any impact on credential standing due to incorrect contact information.
- Credential holders should not wait for annual renewal to report an ethics issue; this information must be submitted to ethics@atcb.org.
FAQs for ATCB portal processes can be found on the ATCB website.