Dear Credential Holders,
In preparation for the anticipated changes in the NCCA accreditation standards and the upcoming job analysis, the Art Therapy Credentials Board of Directors has updated policies and practices. Below are changes that will affect those applying for ATR, ATR-P, ATCS, and all credential holders collecting continuing education credits to maintain their board certification (BC).
- The registration standards for the registered art therapist credential (ATR) will undergo assessment in 2022. Beginning July 1, 2022, all ATR-P and ATR applications will undergo an education review for six months as part of this review process.
- The Art Therapy Credentials Board will be conducting a job analysis. Part of the process of creating a professional exam requires that a “job analysis” be performed by surveying currently practicing professionals about the knowledge and skills they use in real-world practice. According to psychometric best practices, the ATCB conducts a job analysis every five years. This study provides a basis for the ongoing revision of the ATCBE and ensures currency and relevance in the examination content. To learn more about the ATCBE, click here.
- All registered art therapists with board certification (ATR-BC) must include six continuing education credits in supervision to recertify. In addition, six continuing education credits in ethics continue to be required. As a significant number of ATR-BC’s report supervising individuals who seek the ATR, the Art Therapy Credentials Board ruled it necessary that all ATR-BC’s have the knowledge and skills to supervise competently. This affects all credential holders who will need to recertify by June 30, 2023, and after. Anyone recertifying in 2022 should refer to the standards in their MyATCB portal.
*Please note that additional changes may be likely when the updated NCCA standards are released. The Art Therapy Credentials Board will communicate further changes.
Also important reminders:
- If you have called and left a voicemail, please respond to this email with the information or the inquiry you left in your voicemail. Unfortunately, the National Office cannot reply to voice messages that have no identifiable information or are inaudible.
- REMINDER: For any potential ATCS applicant wishing to utilize the previous application standards, the grandfathering period will end on December 31, 2021. To use these standards, all interested applicants must submit their applications by December 31, 2021. Beginning January 2022, all ATCS applicants must apply under the current standards. Additional information about the ATCS can be found here.
Please be sure you regularly visit the Art Therapy Credentials Board website, credential handbooks, recertification standards, and MyATCB portal- including the credential files and the communications tab. The Art Therapy Credentials Board has minimized “e-blasts” for your electronic protection and does not send paper notices.
Application inquires:
Board inquiries:
Ethics inquiries:
Examination inquiries:
*The NCCA’s Standards for the Accreditation of Certification Programs were the first standards developed by the credentialing industry for professional certification programs. The NCCA Standards were developed to help ensure the health, welfare, and safety of the public. They highlight the essential elements of a high-quality program.
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