Licensure Requirement by State

  1. State Licensure
  2. Licensure Requirement by State

State licensure for art therapists, while not universal, is growing. Some states require an ATCB credential as the minimum requirement for practice, and others require passage of the Art Therapy Credentials Board Examination (ATCBE).

States That Require an ATCB Credential or Passage of the ATCBE

State License Information Requirement
Connecticut Clinical Licensed Art Therapist (CLAT) issued by the Connecticut State Department of Public Health. Requires ATR-BC.
Delaware Licensed Professional Art Therapist (LPAT) and Licensed Associate Art Therapist (LAAT) issued by the Division of Professional Regulation. Requires passage of the ATCBE exam.
Kentucky Professional Art Therapy License (LPAT) issued by the Kentucky Board of Licensure for Professional Art Therapists. Requires passage of the ATCBE exam or an ATR-BC.
Maryland** Professional Clinical Art Therapy License (LPCAT) issued by the State Board of Professional Counselors and Therapists. Requires passage of the ATCBE exam.
Mississippi Professional Art Therapy License (LPAT) issued by the Mississippi State Board of Health. Requires the ATR-BC.
Nebraska coming soon coming soon
New Jersey Professional Art Therapy License (LPAT) issued by the State Board of Marriage and Family Therapy Examiners. The ATCS credential is required for supervision. Requires passage of the ATCBE exam.
New Mexico Professional Art Therapist License (LPAT) issued by the Counseling and Therapy Practice Board. Requires passage of the ATCBE exam.
Ohio Licensed Art Therapist (LAT) issued by the Counselor, Social Worker, and Marriage & Family Therapist Board. Requires the ATR-BC.
Oregon Licensed Art Therapist and Licensed Certified Art Therapist issued by Public Health Division-Health Licensing Office. Requires ATR & ATR-BC.
Tennessee Professional Art Therapy License (LPAT) issued by the Tennessee Department of Health. Rules yet to be determined. Currently requires passage of the ATCBE exam.
Virginia Licensed Art Therapist and Associate Art Therapy License issued by the Virginia Board of Counseling. Requires ATR-BC for Licensed Art Therapist and ATR or ATR-P for Associate Art Therapist.
Washington DC** Professional Art Therapist License (LPAT) issued by DC Department of Health. Requires passage of the ATCBE exam.

* Exam windows for Maryland state licensure candidates are 12 months.

** Exam windows for Washington DC state licensure candidates are 30 days.

Art Therapy Qualifying Under Related Licenses