ATCB Seeks Public Members for Board of Directors

The Art Therapy Credentials Board Inc. (ATCB) is seeking nominations of highly qualified leaders to fill two (2) Public Member positions on its Board of Directors, which is comprised of art therapy clinicians and educators.

This role offers a unique opportunity to collaborate with a dedicated and dynamic group of leaders who are deeply committed to continual improvement of art therapy credentials and certifications, and to elevating the professionalism of the art therapy field in the eyes of the public and state licensures to the level of other medical and mental health professionals.. As a public director, you will contribute to the strategic direction of a forward-thinking organization and help shape the future of art therapy.


About the Role


Expectations of Directors

Public directors have the same rights and responsibilities as all board members. They are full voting members entrusted with administering the ATCB’s business affairs. Directors are expected to act in good faith, with informed judgment, and with a focus on the organization’s best interests.

Time Commitment

The role involves attending one in-person board meeting annually, attending monthly board meetings (virtual, one hour), and participating in a committee or task force work between meetings, typically conducted virtually or via email. The ATCB covers all travel expenses related to Board meetings.


The Public Member must:

  • Have a highly regarded reputation for ethical behavior, integrity, and competence;
  • Be recognized in their field of expertise;
  • Be collegial, open-minded, and possess good leadership and communication skills;
  • Have experience in one or more of the following: allied health, public health policy,  assessment, certification, advocacy, quality and performance measures, non-profit leadership, communications, finance, or other areas that complement the ATCB’s mission and purposes;
  • The Public Member must declare that neither they or a member of their immediate family has not derived more than 5% of their income from the art therapy;
  • Public Member nominees must be able and willing to participate constructively and productively in group settings and to accept work responsibilities as may be assigned from time to time by the Board.

Why Serve?

By joining the ATCB Board, you will:

  • Engage with a strategic and intellectually stimulating group of professionals.
  • Make a meaningful contribution to the quality of art therapy and its impact on mental health outcomes.
  • Gain insights into the evolving landscape of 501c6 trade and certification organizations.



How to Apply

Individuals can self-nominate. Nominations should be emailed to ATCB Executive Director, LeeAnn Mandrillo  by May 1, 2025, and include the following:

  1. A curriculum vitae
  2. Contact information
  3. Personal statement of interest (maximum of 250 words).


The ATCB (Art Therapy Credentials Board) is a nonprofit organization establishing credentialing standards for art therapists, ensuring that professionals adhere to ethical and practice guidelines. Through certifications such as the ATR (Registered Art Therapist) and BC (Board Certified), the ATCB verifies practitioners’ qualifications, supporting their competence and professionalism. All credentials awarded by the ATCB are an independent evaluation of competency and a greater measure of an individual’s ethical compliance and current skills than education or work experience alone. Obtaining and maintaining a credential indicates that the individual meets the minimum professional experience, adheres to the ATCB’s ethical code, and follows the professional conduct standards set by ATCB. The ultimate beneficiaries of the ATCB credentials and board certification are consumers and the general public, who can rely on an ATCB credential and board certification for assurance that the credential holder has the necessary knowledge, skills, and experience for quality practice in art therapy while complying with the standards of conduct.

Final Call to be a Subject Matter Expert for ATCBE Standards 2025

Standard setting is a systematic method for determining a passing score on an exam. It is a formal process that involves establishing a performance standard, such as a passing score. The goal is to identify a score that reflects the performance standard and provides a reasonable basis for pass/fail decisions. This is a short-term commitment in February.

Remote Meeting Schedule:

  • Friday, February 14 (4 hours)
  • Friday, February 21 (4 hours)

Additionally, participants will have time to take the exam at their own pace between these meetings.

The ATCB will award each Subject Matter Expert (SME) 25 CEs for participation.

Complete this form if you are interested in serving as a Subject Matter Expert for Standard Setting.

About the Standard Setting Process

The process is relatively informal, similar to a focus group. The NCCA accredits the BC (and the qualifying exam), and we use the Modified Angoff process for standard setting. Psychometricians and assessment experts from Prometric will lead this effort for the ATCB and support SMEs throughout.

Process Overview:

1. Define The Minimally Competent Candidate (MCC) – First Meeting (February 14)

This concept is central to the modified-Angoff method and is also known as Minimally Qualified Candidate (MQC) or Just Barely Qualified (JBQ). The goal is to ensure the exam distinguishes between qualified and unqualified candidates. SMEs will define what makes a candidate qualified (or unqualified) based on skills and knowledge, leading to a conceptual definition of an MCC. The next step is estimating the score this borderline candidate would achieve.

2. Independent Ratings – Between Meetings

SMEs will review all exam items and estimate the percentage of MCCs that would answer each correctly. Prometric will provide guidance on how to perform these ratings.

3. Discussion and Round 2 Ratings – Final Meeting (February 21)

The group will identify items with significant disagreement based on frequency distributions or standard deviation. If some SMEs rate a question as easy while others find it difficult, the item will be discussed and rated again to build consensus.

After the standard-setting process, Prometric psychometricians will analyze the data and determine a cut score for the exam. This cut score will then be presented to the ATCB Board for approval and adoption.

Subject Matter Experts

Updated February 2025

Being a Subject Matter Expert (SME) is a professional service opportunity. SME participation provides a unique experience to work with a diverse group of passionate professionals and contribute to continued excellence in art therapy. Engaging in developing art therapy standards,  assessments, and programs will immediately impact the standards required to be credentialed with the ATCB. Because the ATCB programs (credential, certification, and examination) are made for art therapists by art therapists, The ATCB needs SMEs to provide expertise. Serving as an SME qualifies as continuing art therapy professional development that can be used toward the continuing education requirement for board certification.

SME Requirements:

  • Credential: Registered Art Therapist with board certification (ATR-BC)
  • Examination: Passing score on the ATCBE
  • Not involved in test prep or other educational and/or required training for the BC
  • SMEs shall not serve simultaneously on the American Art Therapy Association board or the Education Accrediting Entities committees.
    1. Education Committee
    2. Education Accrediting Entities
    3. Ethics Committee

Additionally, SMEs cannot serve on the board of any art therapy-related credentialing agency, membership association, state licensing board, or similar entity.

SME responsibilities are specific to the assigned role. Overall, SMEs are responsible for attending meetings, actively participating during the meetings to provide expertise, and ensuring test security protocols are followed at all times, including, but not limited to, maintaining confidentiality and not participating in the development of test preparation content.

Becoming a SME

Interested SME candidates should complete this form.