Public Commentary: Art Therapy Credential Board Code governing Standards of Practice, Eligibility for and Regulation of Credentials, and Disciplinary Procedures

Dear Colleagues,

ATCB is dedicated to continual improvement and elevating the professionalism of the art therapy field in the eyes of the public and state licensures to the level of other medical and mental health professionals.

The ATCB is dedicated to publishing and revising the “Code” every five years to ensure it addresses the current challenges and ethical dilemmas that credential holders face as they provide quality care to diverse populations. In the past 10 years, rapid developments in art therapy have created an increasing array of professional standards for credential holders to navigate.

ATCB Board of Directors is seeking public comments on nine proposed changes to the Art Therapy Credential Board Code Governing Standards of Practice, Eligibility for and Regulation of Credentials, and Disciplinary Procedures. ATCB’s goal is to ensure that the Competency Standards remain modern, relevant, and practical for the evolving practice of art therapy.

The 2025 revisions were meticulously developed over several years by a diverse panel of experts to address evolving standards of practice and develop the proposed recommendations. The ethics committee and a select group of volunteers, including ATCB credential holders, educators, certification and credentialing professionals, members of the public, and legal counsel, painstakingly did this work.

The ATCB recognizes that changes to the Art Therapy Credential Board Code governing Standards of Practice, Eligibility for and Regulation of Credentials, and Disciplinary Procedures can significantly shape the profession’s future. As a broad range of voices, your input provides crucial context as the Board of Directors considers their next steps in this process. The ATCB requests your comments to ensure consideration of the insights of credentialed art therapists and the public they serve.

The deadline to submit comments is March 13, 2025, at 11:59pm EST.

The commentary is broken down into four sections:


Standards of Practice:

Eligibility and Regulation of ATCB Credentials and Board Certification:

Disciplinary Procedures:

These unique surveys present code sections and commentary so individuals can read the Code and respond confidentially and in real-time.

One notable change is the shift from the Code of Ethics to Standards of Practice. This change was made to align our terminology with industry standards and to provide a more comprehensive and practical guide for credential holders. While both ‘standards of conduct’ and ‘ethics’ relate to guiding behavior, ‘standards of conduct’ refer to a set of specific rules and expectations outlining acceptable actions within an organization, whereas ‘ethics’ represent broader moral principles that guide decision-making in complex situations, often with less concrete guidelines; essentially, standards of conduct are the practical application of ethical principles in a specific context. We defer to the American Art Therapy Association (AATA) Ethical Principles For Art Therapists to provide aspirational values and principles that cover many situations art therapists encounter.

The Board of Directors has prepared preliminary FAQs on the code. Please note that these FAQs will be updated throughout the commentary period to address any new questions or concerns that may arise.

Yours Sincerely,

Cheryl Doby Copeland, PhD, ATR-BC, LPAT, LPC, LMFT
Art Therapy Credentials Board

ATCB’s Shift to Self-Management: Organization Restructuring

A major shift is underway for the ATCB as we transition from external management to self-management. Our Board of Directors and special committees are committed to building a new headquarters and enhancing ATCB’s operations. We are conducting an operational assessment and restructuring workflows to improve efficiency while controlling costs amid rising operational expenses.

We have developed specialized workflows and designated staff to manage specific elements of the Art Therapy Credentials Board.

Provisional Registration Program

The Provisional Registration Program oversees the ATR-P credential, from applications to maintenance. The Credentialing Specialist-Provisional handles all education reviews, processes ATR-P applications, and assists credential holders with needs such as supervisor changes, credential verification requests, and reinstatement.

Applicants and ATR-P credential holders needing assistance can contact Shelby Dalton, Credentialing Specialist-Provisional, at

All transcripts for ATR-P application and education pre-review must be sent to

Registration Program

The Registration Program manages the ATR credential, from applications to maintenance. The Credentialing Specialist-Registration processes ATR applications and assists credential holders with credential verification, supervision hours, reinstatement, and board certification applications.

Applicants and ATR credential holders needing assistance can contact Cheryce Overstreet, Credentialing Specialist-Registration, at

Certification Program

The Certification Program oversees board certification (BC) for ATR credential holders. The Certification Director reviews and authorizes board certification applicants to take the exam with Prometric and generates official post-exam score reports. They also review recertification pre-review requests, conduct recertification audits, and assist ATR-BC holders with credential verification and certification status inquiries. Additionally, the Certification Director manages the Art Therapy Credentialed Supervisor Program.

The Certification Director also oversees the Exam Program, which applies only to state licensure exam applications.

Board Certification applicants and ATR-BC holders needing assistance can contact Kimia Hafezi, Credentialing Director, at

Ethics Department

The Ethics Department oversees all aspects of the ATCB ethics process. Ethics Officers investigate self-reported ethics violations and third-party complaints. The Head Ethics Officer collaborates with the Board of Directors on updates and revisions to the Code of Ethics, Standards of Conduct, and Disciplinary Procedures.

Credential holders with ethics inquiries should email

With these updates, the following ATCB email addresses are now discontinued:

Emails sent to these addresses will not be opened. Automated messages may still be sent from, but this mailbox will function as an outbound email only and will no longer receive incoming emails.

A message from the President

Dear Colleague,

In 2023, the ATCB shifted from employing a management company for its operations and affairs to self-management. The Board of Directors and various special committees are diligently constructing new headquarters and refining operations. Simultaneously, they are undertaking the essential task of reviewing and updating the credentialing and board certification standards.

Some changes we have made:

  • The initial change involved forming a partnership with Prometric for the examination program.
  • Hired new staff
  • Revamped workflows
  • Introduced automation wherever feasible to enhance efficiency and preserve fee structures in the face of escalating operational costs.

ATCB is dedicated to continual improvement and elevating the professionalism of the art therapy field in the eyes of the public and state licensures to the level of other medical and mental health professionals. As a part of this process and the accreditation requirements, we will be implementing updates to the following:

  • Art Therapy Board Examination
  • Board Certification Requirements
  • Continuing Education Provider Program
  • Application Submissions

Please take a moment to review these updates on the ATCB website.

Transitioning from a management company to a self-sustaining organization has always been challenging. To that end, ATCB is currently conducting an organizational assessment to better prepare and focus on our mission to protect the public by endorsing art therapy’s competent and ethical practice through credentialing professionals in the field.

Feedback from credential holders is valuable as part of this assessment, and the Board of Directors will utilize this input in organizational restructuring efforts where feasible. We invite our credential holders to participate in a survey. All participants who complete the survey can win a $100 Amazon gift card through a random drawing.

Take Survey

Yours Sincerely,


Cheryl Doby Copeland, PhD, ATR-BC, LPC, LMFT
Art Therapy Credentials Board

March 2024 Updates and Reminders

MyATCB Portal Updates

Updates for ATR Credential Holders with Board Certification

The ATCB has separated the ATR and BC into distinct management portals:

  • The annual renewal application is now in the ATR portal.
  • The recertification application and CE tracker are in the Board Certification portal.*

*Recertification applications are available only when the ATR-BC five-year certification cycle is ending.

Learn more

Annual Renewal of Credentials


The annual renewal period for the credential year July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025 begins on April 1, 2024.

The following credentials must be renewed to remain active:

  • ATR-P
  • ATR
  • ATCS

Notifications and reminders will be sent to the email listed in MyATCB portals. Please ensure your contact information is up to date.

Annual renewal applications open April 1, 2024 and close on June 30, 2024, at 11:59 PM EST. A 30-day grace period in July allows late renewals, but a $30 late fee applies in addition to the $100 annual maintenance fee.

Credentials not renewed by July 31, 2024, will become inactive and require reinstatement.

Learn more about credential maintenance.

Board Recertification


ATR-BC credential holders with a board certification cycle of July 1, 2019 – July 1, 2024 must complete recertification by July 1, 2024 to extend their certification for another five years.

Recertification applications are available in the Board Certification portal within MyATCB, opening April 1, 2024 and closing on June 30, 2024, at 11:59 PM EST.

Important: CE trackers in the Board Certification portal are not recertification applications.

  • Annual ATR renewal must be completed first.
  • Once ATR renewal is completed, the recertification application becomes available.

A 30-day grace period in July allows late recertification, with a $30 late fee in addition to the $100 annual recertification fee.

Failure to recertify by the end of the certification cycle will invalidate the BC distinction.

Learn more about board certification requirements.

Reminder: Changes to ATR, Retirement, and Reinstatement

Effective July 1, 2024, updates will apply to:

  • Registered Art Therapist Credential (ATR)
  • Retiring credentials
  • Reinstating inactive credentials

Review the full details of these changes on the ATCB website.

Occupational Information Network (O*NET®)

The O*NET Data Collection Program, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, is seeking input from expert Art Therapists. As a free resource for job seekers, employers, educators, and students, O*NET provides vital occupational data.

O*NET Description of Art Therapists: Plan or conduct art therapy sessions or programs to improve clients’ physical, cognitive, or emotional well-being.

Who Qualifies as an O*NET Expert?

  • At least one year of professional experience as an Art Therapist.
  • A minimum of five years combined experience in practice, training, teaching, or supervising art therapists.
  • Active engagement in the field and U.S.-based.

How to Participate

If you meet these criteria, contact Jessica Fairley at RTI International, the O*NET data collection contractor:

Participation Incentive

A randomly selected group of experts will be invited to complete questionnaires. Those who participate will receive:

  • A $40 VISA gift code
  • An oak-framed Certificate of Appreciation from the U.S. Department of Labor

We encourage credential holders to contribute to ensuring accurate, up-to-date information about the art therapy profession.

Updating Changes to the ATCB

As stated in the Code of Ethics, Standards, and Conduct (Section 3.2.2), credential holders must notify the ATCB within 60 days of any of the following:

  • Change in name, address, or phone number.
  • Filing of an indictment, charge, or complaint (excluding traffic offenses) with any legal or regulatory authority.
  • Any litigation involving allegations of professional negligence or misconduct, including final judgments, dismissals, deferred adjudications, convictions, guilty pleas, or disciplinary sanctions.

Important: Credential holders must update contact information in their MyATCB portal to ensure they receive important communications. The ATCB is not responsible for credential impacts due to incorrect contact information.

Ethics issues should be reported immediately to rather than waiting for annual renewal.

View MyATCB portal FAQs on the ATCB website.

Credential changes, updates and reminders 

Changes to ATR Requirements

Effective 12:00 AM EST on July 1, 2024, all new ATR applicants must be ATR-P in good standing and meet the registration standards.

The ATCB will allow a grace period for all ATR applications submitted before July 1, 2024, at 12:00 AM EST. These applications must be completed by June 30, 2025, at 11:59 PM EST.

Application Requirements:

  1. Official Academic Transcript
  2. Verification of Post-Education Experience
  3. Three References

Incomplete ATR applications after this deadline will automatically convert to ATR-P applications.



Credential Retirement Ending

Effective July 1, 2024, at 12:00 AM EST, the ATCB will no longer offer credential retirement.

Key Updates:

  • “Annual Retired” credentials must convert to “Lifetime Retired” or be reinstated by June 30, 2024.
  • “Lifetime Retired” credentials can be reinstated no later than June 30, 2025.
  • After July 1, 2025, permanently retired credentials will require a new application under current ATCB standards.



Changes to Reinstatement of Inactive Credentials

Effective July 1, 2024, at 12:00 AM EST, inactive credentials will have one year (July 1 – June 30) to be reinstated.

Reinstatement Policy:

  • Reinstatement fee: $250
  • Failure to reinstate within one year results in permanent inactive status.
  • Each credential can be reinstated up to three times.
  • All reinstatement applications remain valid for six months.



Appeals Policy

Appeals must be submitted within 30 days of receiving notice of inactive status, credential denial, or certification changes.

Following the expiration of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency on May 11, 2023, the final opportunity to appeal pandemic-related credential impacts is March 16, 2024, at 11:59 PM EST.

Appeals will be reviewed at the first quarterly meeting of 2024.




The ATCB provides official verification of:

  • Exam Scores
  • Credential Standing
  • Supervision Hours

A $25 fee applies to verification requests. Requests must include the original name used on the application or examination and must be submitted via the MyATCB portal.



ATCB Examination

The ATCB Examination Administration Policy provides candidates with:

  • A six-month testing window.
  • Testing at an approved center or via remote proctoring.
  • Up to three testing attempts per calendar year*.

*A 90-day waiting period applies between exam attempts.

Candidates applying for state licensure should use the State Licensure application in the MyATCB portal and provide an authorization-to-test letter from the state board.

The ATCBE is required for licensure in Kentucky, Maryland, New Jersey, New Mexico, and New York.

All exam applications are non-refundable and non-transferable.



Updating Changes to the ATCB

As per the Code of Ethics, Standards, and Conduct (Section 3.2.2), credential holders must notify the ATCB within 60 days of:

  • Changes to name, address, or phone number.
  • Filing of an indictment, charge, or complaint (excluding traffic offenses).
  • Litigation involving allegations of professional negligence or misconduct.

Important: Contact details must be updated in the MyATCB portal. The ATCB is not responsible for credential impacts due to outdated information.

Ethics issues should be reported immediately by completing the Statement of Conduct Compliance Form.


Important Changes to ATR Applications

Effective July 1, 2024, at 12:00 AM EST, the ATCB will discontinue the current ATR application process.

As of July 1, 2024, at 12:00 AM EST, individuals must first obtain ATR-P status to become an ATR. This change applies only to new ATR applicants and does not impact current ATR credential holders.

The ATCB will allow a grandfathering period for all ATR applications submitted before July 1, 2024, at 12:00 AM EST:

  • If an applicant is collecting supervision hours and does not hold an ATR-P credential, they must submit an ATR application before July 1, 2024, at 12:00 AM EST for those hours to be accepted.
  • Alternatively, individuals may apply for ATR-P status instead.
  • The ATCB will accept supervision hours from the date of application submission.

Application Requirements

A completed application must meet the Registration Standards and include:

  • Official Academic Transcript
  • Verification of Post-Education Experience
  • Three Professional References

Any ATR application not completed by June 30, 2025, at 11:59 PM EST, will automatically convert to an ATR-P application.

Annual Credential Assessment

The ATCB reviews credential and certification programs annually. Any further changes resulting from this assessment will be communicated promptly.

Need Assistance?

Please review the FAQs for more details. For further clarification about ATR requirements, contact the ATCB Executive Director, LeeAnn Mandrillo, at