1. ATR-P

Once you’ve earned your ATR-P designation, renewing it annually allows you to maintain this professional credential, thus enhancing your value to clients or employers. It also puts you on track to becoming a Registered Art Therapist (ATR). *
The ATR-P credential is valid for five years and must be renewed by June 30 each year to remain active. 


 To maintain your ATR-P credential:

  • Adhere to the ATCB Code of Ethics, Conduct, and Disciplinary Procedures
  • Complete the renewal process of your ATR-P each year. The credential year is July 1-June 30. The renewal process is the completion of the mandatory attestation of compliance to the ATCB ethical code and the annual fee of $25.
  • Please be sure to update your email address and other personal information in your MyATCB portal. Please note the ATCB National Office cannot access your portal space to complete this for you. If you need assistance accessing your portal, please contact the National Office



An annual renewal notice will be sent to you in April of each year and is due by June 30.

The function of renewals is the submission of a completed ethics and credential attestation that you are in compliance with the ATCB Code of Ethics Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures.

All renewals must be completed on the MyATCB portal. Manual renewals require board authorization; do not mail a check to the national office. All checks received by mail will be returned to the sender.

By June 30th of each year, all credential holders must complete the annual ethics attestation and pay annual maintenance fees to maintain their credentials.  The ATCB affords a 30 day grace period from July 1-July 31 for anyone who missed the renewal window, there is a late fee during this time. After July 31st any credential not renewed becomes inactive.

Additional information about reinstating an inactive credential can be found here.


If your ATR-P is inactive you cannot utilize the ATR upgrade application. If you plan to become an ATR using the upgrade you must reinstate your ATR-P credential or apply under the ATR standard application. 

If you don’t plan on renewing you may:

The above options are located on MyATCB portals