Maintaining Board Certification and Recertification
To maintain your ATR-BC status, you must adhere to the Code governing Standards of Practice, Eligibility for and Regulation of Credentials, and Disciplinary Procedures, complete the annual renewal of your Registered Art Therapist (ATR) credential, and recertify every five years by earning Continuing Education Credits (CECs) or passing the Art Therapy Credentials Board Examination (ATCBE).
Updating Personal Information: Ensure your email address and other personal information are up-to-date in your MyATCB portal. The ATCB Headquarters cannot access your portal to make changes. For assistance, contact ATCB.
Distinction Between Renewal and Recertification: Recertification and renewal are separate processes with distinct fees. If board certification recertification is due, you must complete both the recertification application and the annual ATR renewal.
Renewing the ATR
- By June 30th each year, all credential holders must:
- Complete the annual ethics attestation.
- Pay an annual maintenance fee of $100.
- A 30-day grace period (July 1–31) allows for late renewal with a $30 late fee.
- After July 31st, credentials not renewed become inactive.
- Renewals must be completed via the MyATCB portal.
Reinstating an Inactive Credential If your ATR becomes inactive, additional steps must be taken to reinstate it. If the ATR is inactive during a board certification cycle, the BC distinction is suspended until reinstatement. If both ATR renewal and BC recertification lapse, the only way to regain board certification is by retaking and passing the ATCBE exam.
Credential holders who do not plan on renewing may:
- Apply for Temporary Inactive Status ($25 fee).
- Relinquish the ATR by submitting an Inactive Request through MyATCB.
Recertifying Board Certification (BC)
Annual ATR renewal is required to maintain board certification. The renewal must be completed before the recertification application becomes available in MyATCB portals.
Changes to the ATCBE
- In 2025, the ATCBE will reflect updates from the 2022 job analysis survey of 1,000+ credentialed art therapists.
- In 2026, recertification standards will be updated accordingly. New requirements for 2026 were released in 2024.
Recertification Process
- The recertification application requires 100 qualifying CECs within the five-year certification cycle. Alternatively, candidates may retake and pass the ATCBE.
- The recertification deadline is listed in MyATCB portals, ID cards, and board certification certificates.
- Required CECs: Each cycle must include 6 CECs in ethics and 6 CECs in supervision.
Audits & Documentation
- At least 10% of recertifying ATR-BCs are audited annually.
- Acceptable documentation includes academic transcripts, certificates of attendance, or other proof as outlined in the recertification standards.
- Handwritten CE tracker forms are no longer accepted; all CEs must be entered into the formal recertification application.
If Required CECs Are Not Completed
Options include:
- Apply for a recertification extension (up to 3 months, $50 fee, found in MyATCB portal). A maximum of two extensions per cycle is allowed.
- Take the ATCBE ($275 fee). A passing score results in automatic recertification.
- Apply for Temporary Inactive Status ($25 fee).
- Relinquish Board Certification by submitting a statement of relinquishment to ATCB via Contact Us Form.
If the five-year certification cycle ends without recertification, the BC distinction becomes invalid and cannot be reinstated.
Appeals & Reinstatement
- If the recertification application was not completed, you may appeal to the Board of Appeals for reconsideration. [Appeal policies and procedures can be found here.]
- If the appeal is denied, the only way to regain board certification is by retaking and passing the ATCBE.
- If the ATCBE exam fee creates financial hardship, contact the ATCB Headquarters to request consideration by the Board of Directors.
Become A Credentialed Supervisor (ATCS)
Board-certified art therapists must provide 50% of direct client hours for ATRs and complete six continuing education credits every five years. After one cycle, they meet over half the supervision education needed for the highest credential, ATCS. By continuing supervision and education, ATR-BCs qualify to become Art Therapy Credentialed Supervisors.
Self-Reporting Code Violations to ATCB
All applicants and ATCB Credential Holders must report any ethical violations as outlined in the ATCB Code governing Standards of Practice, Eligibility for and Regulation of Credentials, and Disciplinary Procedure within 60 days of occurrence. It is crucial to upload all relevant information regarding the violation at the time of reporting to help ensure a timely review.
Keep Your Contact Information Current
Each April, ATCB Credential Holders are sent an annual renewal notice. You must complete this notice and send it, along with the annual fee, in order to maintain your status as an ATR. Failure to take these steps will result in the loss of the credential. Make sure to keep your information current to ensure you don't miss important notifications.