
  1. Verifications

The Art Therapy Credentials Board requires a completed verification request for exam scores, credential standing, and supervision hours. Please indicate the first and last name used on the application or when taking the examination for verifications

The verification fee is $25. This fee covers the administrative costs of completing, managing and mailing the verification request. If multiple verifications are needed, a separate verification is required for each.



Jump to: ATCBE Scores | Credential Standing | Supervision Verification



ATCBE scores

The ATCBE provides an official score report to anyone who takes the ATCBE. Before 2017, Score reports were mailed to individuals. Beginning in 2017, score reports were digitalized and uploaded to MyATCB portals.

If you need a verification of ATCBE exam scores, the following must be completed:

Score reports sent to state licensure boards:

  1. Complete a verification request in the navigation bar on the MyATCB portals.
  2. For the question “Please enter where you would like to have the Verification sent.” select Board.
  3. Enter the name of the state licensure board*. 
    No forms will be completed and mailed without an official verification request.

 * Each state licensure board has varying requirements for exam scores and credential standing verifications. A verification request is required for each board. Verifications for the State of Wisconsin require the licensure application number. Please include this information in your verification request.



Verifications of credential standing:

The ATCB maintains the national registry of credential holders*; this registry is available to all.

*If a credential holder opts out of being listed, they will not appear on the public registry.

To request an official letter of credential holder status and standing:

  1. Complete a verification request in the navigation bar on the MyATCB portals.*
  2. For the question “Please enter where you would like to have the Verification sent.” select Employer.
  3. Provide the name and address of the individual or organization receiving the verification.

*If multiple letters are needed to multiple individuals, a separate verification request is needed. 



Supervision Verification:

Supervision hour verifications are $25 per verification.

For supervision hours, a credential holder acquired for their ATR application*.

1 Open the verification request in the navigation bar on the MyATCB portals.
2. Select the “self” option in the request. Select yes to this question “

For supervision hours a credential holder submitted as a supervisor for an ATR application

1 Open the verification request in the navigation bar on the MyATCB portals.
2. Select the “self” option in the request. Select NO to this question “

Only one applicant can be submitted per verification. If you need supervision hours for multiple applicants, a separate verification must be completed for each request.

*Please note if the application was submitted before 2021, ATCB headquarters would need to access the ATCB archives to pull this information. If the application was submitted before 2010, we cannot guarantee we have this information. Retrieval from the archives can take 4-6 weeks.