Updated February 2025
Being a Subject Matter Expert (SME) is a professional service opportunity. SME participation provides a unique experience to work with a diverse group of passionate professionals and contribute to continued excellence in art therapy. Engaging in developing art therapy standards, assessments, and programs will immediately impact the standards required to be credentialed with the ATCB. Because the ATCB programs (credential, certification, and examination) are made for art therapists by art therapists, The ATCB needs SMEs to provide expertise. Serving as an SME qualifies as continuing art therapy professional development that can be used toward the continuing education requirement for board certification.
SME Requirements:
- Credential: Registered Art Therapist with board certification (ATR-BC)
- Examination: Passing score on the ATCBE
- Not involved in test prep or other educational and/or required training for the BC
- SMEs shall not serve simultaneously on the American Art Therapy Association board or the Education Accrediting Entities committees.
- Education Committee
- Education Accrediting Entities
- Ethics Committee
Additionally, SMEs cannot serve on the board of any art therapy-related credentialing agency, membership association, state licensing board, or similar entity.
SME responsibilities are specific to the assigned role. Overall, SMEs are responsible for attending meetings, actively participating during the meetings to provide expertise, and ensuring test security protocols are followed at all times, including, but not limited to, maintaining confidentiality and not participating in the development of test preparation content.
Becoming a SME
Interested SME candidates should complete this form.