1. Ethics & Appeals
  2. Reporting Code Violations

Report A Compliance Violation

How to Report Code Violations to ATCB 

If you suspect a violation of the ATCB Code governing Standards of Practice, Eligibility for and Regulation of Credentials, and Disciplinary Procedures, follow these steps to file a formal complaint: 

Step 1: Use the Required Form 

Submit your complaint in writing using the ATCB Statement of Conduct Compliance form. This form is essential for reporting a Code violation. 


Step 2: Identify the Individuals Involved 

Clearly identify the person(s) alleged to be involved in the misconduct. 


Step 3: Provide Detailed Description 

Describe the alleged misconduct in as much detail as possible, including all relevant facts and documentation. 


Step 4: Include Contact Information 

Provide your name, address, telephone number, and email address. Also include contact information for any witnesses or individuals who may have knowledge of the situation. 


Step 5: Submit the Complaint 

Securely submit the completed, signed Statement of Conduct Compliance Form along with any supporting documents. 

Upon receiving a complaint, the ATCB’s Executive Director will forward the matter to the Head Compliance Officer of the Art Therapy Credentials Board for further action.