
The Art Therapy Credentials Board awards and maintains credentials and a national examination for board certification and state licensure. As a non-profit, all fees cover the costs of maintaining the credentials, board certification, examination program, the national registry, and The Code governing Standards of Practice, Eligibility for and Regulation of Credentials, and Disciplinary Procedure.

All fees and fee waiver allowances shall be established by the ATCB board of directors and reviewed annually by December 31st. Due to extraordinary and unprecedented circumstances, the board of directors can modify financial hardship requirements as necessary. A financial waiver request can only be done on an individual applicant or credential holder level. The ATCB cannot accept third-party payment of fees on behalf of the credential holder. This transaction must be between the third party and the credential holder.


Art Therapy Credentials Board 2025 Fee Schedule

Provisional Registered Art Therapist (ATR-P)
Application: $60
Expedited review: $50
Temporary inactive: $25
Annual renewal: $25
Late renewal fee: $30
Inactive reinstatement: $250
Credential verification: $25

Registered Art Therapist (ATR)
Application: $65
Expedited review: $50
Temporary inactive: $25
Annual renewal: $100
Late renewal fee: $30
Inactive reinstatement: $250
Credential verification: $25
Supervision verification: $25

Board Certification (BC)
Application (included examination): $275
ESL accommodation request (exam only): $60
Five-year recertification: $100
Recertification pre-review: $25
Recertification extension: $50
Late recertification fee: $30
Exam score verification: $25

Art Therapy Credentialed Supervisor (ATCS): 
Application: $115
Expedited review: $50
Temporary inactive: $25
Annual renewal: $25
Late renewal fee: $30
Inactive reinstatement: $250
Credential verification: $25

ATCBE exam for state licensure
*applicable for licensure in Kentucky, Maryland, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York and Washington DC