Statement of Conduct Compliance

The Art Therapy Credentials Board (ATCB) requires the submission of a completed Statement of Conduct Compliance Form in order to begin the investigation process.


1.  Review ATCB’s Code of Ethics, Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures in order to understand the organization’s policies and procedures. The ATCB Ethics Code is available online: Code governing Standards of Practice, Eligibility for and Regulation of Credentials, and Disciplinary Procedures

2.  Complete this form providing detailed information. Make sure each section is completed. Read and sign the declaration.

3. Attach labeled supporting documentation. Supporting documentation must be copies of final form (e.g., actual documents as they were provided to you, printed versions of communications, etc.) You should not make any alterations on submitted documentation.

After the self report is received, the ATCB’s Head Compliance Officer will review and assign to an compliance officer within the compliance division. The Head Compliance Officer may initiate action(s) deemed appropriate in accordance with the ATCB Code governing Standards of Practice, Eligibility for and Regulation of Credentials, and Disciplinary Procedures.