Ethics and Appeals

  1. Ethics & Appeals

Code Governing Standards of Practice, Eligibility for and Regulation of Credentials, and Disciplinary Procedures

ATCB is dedicated to continual improvement and elevating the professionalism of the art therapy field in the eyes of the public and state licensures to the level of other medical and mental health professionals.

View Standards of Practice


The The ATCB Code governing Standards of Practice, Eligibility for and Regulation of Credentials, and Disciplinary Procedures (“Code”) is designed to provide credentialed art therapists and credential applicants with set Standards of Practice to which every credentialed art therapist and credential applicant must adhere.

The Code applies to all those credentialed by the ATCB and all ATCB applicants regardless of any other professional affiliation. Regarding any person who fails to adhere to the Code, including any of the Standards of Practice, the ATCB may take appropriate action, including, but not limited to, withholding, suspending, revoking, or declining to grant credentials, or placing a credential holder on probation..


The Art Therapy Credentials Board (ATCB) has a structured appeals process to address application, credentialing, certification, and examination challenges. If denied an ATCB credential or certification, candidates may appeal within 30 days by providing a detailed rationale to Appeal Request Form. The Board of Appeals, comprised of certified peers, reviews appeals biannually and makes final decisions. For examination issues, candidates must report conditions immediately and submit appeals within 72 hours. Additionally, special accommodation appeals must be reported promptly. The appeals process ensures fairness and upholds the standards of the art therapy profession.