Education Review Process For Non-CAAHEP & International Applicants

  1. Registered Art Therapist (LP)
  2. Education Review Process For Non-CAAHEP & International Applicants

Who Needs an Education Review? 

Applicants with a graduate degree from a program that is not CAAHEP-accredited or AATA-approved must undergo an education review process. This review ensures that your coursework aligns with the education requirements outlined in the registration standards. Familiarize yourself thoroughly with the Registration Standards as you will need to demonstrate your familiarity with the ATR education requirements throughout this process. 

Note: If you have a master’s degree or higher from a program approved by AATA or accredited by CAAHEP at the time of graduation, you do not require an education review. If the program is no longer approved, you are responsible for obtaining verification of past approval directly from AATA or CAAHEP and submitting it with your application. 


Understanding Accreditation 

The Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) accredits institutions, programs, and services, measuring them against accepted quality standards. This process ensures that the standards are met. For art therapy, the Accreditation Council for Art Therapy Education (ACATE) approves these standards, reflecting the knowledge and skills required for a qualified art therapist. CAAHEP and ACATE standards focus on quality outcomes to prepare competent graduates. 



Applications and Education Reviews 

The Art Therapy Credentials Board (ATCB) accepts applications from candidates who did not graduate from a CAAHEP-accredited graduate program or a post-master master’s degree certificate program. These applications undergo an education review to ensure they meet the registration standards’ education requirements. 

When completing the ATR-P or ATR application, you will be prompted to provide information about your education. If an education review is required, you will need to upload a Coursework Verification form and provide the name and email of the individual who will complete your Verification of Practicum/Internship. The ATCB Headquarters will contact these individuals on your behalf. 


Application Review Process 

Once all supporting documents are received, your application will move to “In Review”. Review times can take between eight to twelve weeks. You will be notified when your application review is complete. You can check the status of your application review process on your MyATCB portal. Applications are reviewed in the order of receipt, and the formal review process begins once all requirements are met from the date of application submission. Failure to complete all required items will necessitate additional reviews, which can take up to eight weeks from the receipt of the required documents. 

Next Step: Become Board Certified (ATR-BC)

An ATR-P is the first step for art therapists, allowing them to practice while earning required client hours and supervision to become a Registered Art Therapist (ATR). ATRs can then pursue board certification by passing the ATCB Exam, demonstrating expertise, enhancing career prospects, building trust, and supporting continued professional growth in art therapy.

Self-Reporting Code Violations to ATCB

All applicants and ATCB Credential Holders must report any ethical violations as outlined in the ATCB Code governing Standards of Practice, Eligibility for and Regulation of Credentials, and Disciplinary Procedure within 60 days of occurrence.  It is crucial to upload all relevant information regarding the violation at the time of reporting to help ensure a timely review.

Keep Your Contact Information Current

Each April, ATCB Credential Holders are sent an annual renewal notice. You must complete this notice and send it, along with the annual fee, in order to maintain your status as an ATR. Failure to take these steps will result in the loss of the credential. Make sure to keep your information current to ensure you don't miss important notifications.