Board Recertification Standards 2025

  1. Board Certification
  2. Board Recertification Standards 2025

An ATR-BC is a registered art therapist (ATR) who has Board Certification. In addition to the completion of the annual renewal of the ATR credential, all Board Certified Art Therapists (ATR-BCs) must recertify their board certification (BC) every five (5) years. The purpose of the recertification process is to ensure that all art therapists board certified by the ATCB continue to meet standards for board certification.

The main function of recertification is to assure that all those with board certification satisfy all educational and experiential requirements. This is accomplished through the completion of 100 continuing education credits every five years. The recertification process enables board-certified registered art therapists to keep pace with the most current scientific evidence regarding assessment, intervention, and education as well as important legal, statutory, or regulatory issues. The recertification process assures that those with board certification distinction are as competent as one who recently took and passed the ATCBE.

The five (5) year Recertification requirement, an industry-standard time frame, ensures that registered art therapists with board certification (ATR-BC) are current in maintaining the knowledge and skills necessary to demonstrate proficiency in the field in order to protect the public.

Those wishing to recertify by taking and passing the exam must apply for and pay the examination fee in addition to the recertification application and fee. The application to take the exam is available online. Credential holders choosing this option must ensure satisfactory exam results before their recertification due date.

Candidates who fail to complete the recertification process outlined in this document but still wish to be board certified must re-apply for certification, take and pass the examination. Until that process is complete, they must cease in using the Board Certified title or credential.

Any ATR with BC distinction (ATR-BC) that is returning to active status from temporary inactive status must follow the recertification standards of the year they are required to complete recertification.

For ATR-BCs who also carry the Art Therapy Credentialed Supervisor (ATCS), failure to complete the board recertification process will result in simultaneous loss of the ATCS. Board certification is a prerequisite for the ATCS.

Failure to complete the ATR-BC recertification process does not affect the registration as an Art Therapist (ATR). However, the annual renewal of the ATR must be completed every year. Annual renewals for the ATR credential are April 1 through June 30.

If the ATR credential is not renewed by June 30, the board certification distinction will be inactive until the ATR is reinstated. Therefore, registration as an art therapist (ATR) is a board certification requirement.

Recertification Process

The ATCB certification cycle spans five years. Within this period, board-certified art therapists must satisfy all requirements for recertification to ensure continued competence and credentialing in art therapy. The end of the cycle coincides with the expiration date of your current ATR-BC certificate.

The steps required for recertification are as follows:

  • Complete the annual renewal of the ATR credential. A recertification application will not be available until this step is completed.
  • If recertifying through continuing education: submit the recertification application, including the CE tracker that outlines the 100 continuing education credits completed. If the recertification application is randomly selected for an audit, documentation must be uploaded for the CE entered into the tracker.
  • Pay all five-year recertification fees.
  • If recertifying via examination: complete the recertification by exam application. Recertification candidates choosing this option must achieve satisfactory exam results before their recertification due date.

The recertification period runs from April 1 to June 30 each year. After June 30, a 30-day grace period is afforded. Recertification applications submitted between July 1 and July 31 incur a $30 late fee.

Each candidate will receive notification of their recertification outcome via the email address on file with the ATCB. Upon approval, a new certificate will be uploaded to the MyATCB portal. Candidates who fulfill the recertification requirements and complete the ATR annual renewal are entitled to use the title “Board Certified Art Therapist” and the credential ATR-BC following their name.

If a recertification candidate does not have the required continuing education credits completed before the five-year board certification cycle ends can:

  • Apply for an extension of up to three (3) months. The extension fee is $50. The extension is for recertification only. Recertification Extension applications are found in MyATCB portals.
  • Apply to take the ATCB Examination (ATCBE). Upon receiving a passing score, you will be recertified automatically. The fee for the ATCBE is $275

Recertification candidates who do not complete the outlined recertification process will lose their board distinction status and must cease using the Board-Certified title or credential. Failure to complete the ATR-BC recertification process does not affect registration as an Art Therapist (ATR). The candidate must take and pass the examination to regain board certification distinction.

Failure to complete the board recertification process will result in an inactive ATCS credential for board-certified art therapists who hold the Art Therapy Credentialed Supervisor (ATCS) designation. Board certification is a prerequisite for the ATCS.

If a candidate responds positively to any questions on the standards of conduct attestation, they must upload any/all documents and other information related to the affirmative response. If additional information is not included, the recertification application will be deleted.

Recertification Requirements

Continuing competence is a program of life-long learning designed to maintain or enhance the certified professional’s ongoing ability to practice art therapy safely and competently by integrating the knowledge and skills necessary for current practice, as measured by the most recent job analysis study and found in the Exam Content Domains.

Recertification requirements for 2025:

  • Six (6) hours in Ethics.
  • Six (6) hours in Supervision.
  • Art methods or techniques (non-therapeutic) are capped at ten (10) CECs per cycle.
  • Juried art exhibition participation is limited to one show or ten (10) CECs per cycle.
Approved Areas for Continuing Education Content:

The ATCB recognizes various CEC activities, clearly outlined in the recertification standards provided to all ATR-BCs.

Whether attended, taught, or produced, each activity must fall into one of the following content areas:

  • Theoretical Approaches
  • Facilitate Treatment
  • Administer and Evaluate Art Therapy and Art-Based Assessments
  • Professional Practice and Ethical Responsibilities
  • Professional Development and Research
  • Administrative Functions and Program Management
Continuing Education Credits

Continuing education credits may be earned for the following activities, provided that they fall within the Eligible Content Areas:

  • One (1) CEC per clock hour for attendance at lectures, workshops, and other professional educational.
  • Three (3) CECs per clock hour for presenting lectures, workshops, and other eligible education programs in a professional setting (not to a lay audience; see “Program Eligibility” below). A particular presentation/activity may be counted only once per recertification cycle.
  • Three (3) CECs per year of service as a reviewer in a peer-reviewed journal.
  • Five (5) CECs per year for service as an editor of a peer-reviewed journal.
  • Five (5) CECs per published abstract, book review, or video review.
  • Five (5) CECs per one (1) semester credit hour for teaching or taking a graduate or undergraduate course in any eligible content areas. Each course title can be counted only once per recertification cycle.
  • Ten (10) CECs per peer-reviewed published article or professionally produced video.
  • Ten (10) CECs per acceptance in a juried art exhibition. Documentation should include the artist’s name, juror’s name, and exhibition date.
  • Twenty (20) CECs per juried or peer-reviewed published book chapter or monograph.
  • Seventy-five (75) CECs per published (not self-published) edited or co-authored book.
  • One hundred (100) CECs per published (not self-published) authored book.

*Applicants wishing to use these activities they deem to be of professional quality, self-published or published in non-peer-reviewed publications may apply for pre-review as described below.*

Program Eligibility:

For the 2025 recertification cycle only*:

Continuing Education Credits (CECs) will be accepted for all courses or events that fall within the ATCB Eligible Content Areas and are presented or approved by any of the following entities for continuing education credit in art therapy, mental health, or behavioral sciences:

  • State Licensing Authorities
  • National Professional Organizations
  • National Credentialing Bodies

Documentation should include descriptive programs or catalogs and verification of attendance.

Programs offered by state art therapy associations that are chapter members of the American Art Therapy Association will be accepted for recertification, provided that proper program documentation is available to attendees. This includes evidence of content matter covered, such as a descriptive program or catalog, and documentation of participation, such as a certificate of attendance.

In-service training, grand rounds, or case presentations by accredited agencies are eligible with proper documentation, including a descriptive agenda and attendance verification. Training on workplace safety, harassment, first aid, infectious disease, etc., is not eligible.

Remote education and online juried art exhibitions qualify if they meet content and eligibility requirements.

Recertification Audit

An annual audit randomly samples 10% of individuals due for recertification. Acceptable proof includes academic transcripts, attendance certificates from recognized providers, or other specified documentation.

Audit Compliance:

Selected candidates must follow the “Recertification Requirements” steps and upload documentation to verify all items on the CE tracker.

Accepted forms of documentation include:

  • Conference or symposium programs/catalogs and certificates showing the applicant’s name.
  • Official course transcripts.
  • Course syllabi and university catalog or webpage printouts showing the course, instructor, and semester/year taught.
  • Signed letters on organization or institution letterhead for non-academic workshops or courses.
  • Photocopies of published material sections with publication name, author, and date.
  • For juried art exhibitions, a program, brochure, catalog, newspaper article, or website printout showing exhibition dates and the artist’s and juror’s identity.

Should the recertification application audit reveal any deficiencies, the candidate will have a ninety (90) day period to address these deficiencies. This may involve clarifying the deficiency, providing additional information regarding the Continuing Education Credits (CECs) submitted, and/or submitting documentation of any CECs earned subsequent to the notification.

During this ninety (90) day, candidates notified of deficiencies will be placed in a pending status. If the required documentation verifying compliance with the recertification requirements is submitted within this timeframe, the pending status will be removed, and recertification will be granted.

Continuing Education Credit Pre-review Request

The Art Therapy Credentials Board reviews continuing education materials for acceptability. Materials can be submitted at any time during the 5-year recertification cycle, but must be received by June 30 of the final year of the cycle. The application fee for recertification pre-review is $25 and can be found in MyATCB portals.